In this quick blog update, we are featuring long-time vineyard employee, Jarrod Bates. Jarrod is delivering one of the beautifully ripe bins of Cabernet Sauvignon directly from our estate vineyard in Yakima, Union Gap Vineyard. In the photo, see the corner of the vineyard just a few hundred yards from the winery.
The 2017 growing season started inauspiciously cool and moist – mostly in the form of snow, then cool weather until June. That’s when mother nature literally dropped her gloves and walloped us with an intensely hot summer; the likes of which we have only seen on a couple of other years. She decided to smile on us from mid-September on with ideal cool and sunny weather- perfect to slowly ripen the latest ripening varieties and with cool nights preserving the freshness that our region is known for.
Stay tuned for updates on the 2017 vintage.